The Comprehensive Substance Abuse Assessment offered by the Partners4Wellness – Orange County (Partners4Wellness) is a structured interview conducted by a trained professional utilizing the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) 5th Edition and the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST). The assessment provides a structured format to gather information around seven areas of functioning that are commonly affected by substance abuse (employment, medical history, legal history, family and social relationships, alcohol/drug use, and mental health status).
The interview is focused on building rapport through motivational interviewing techniques by encouraging honesty and building an understanding of the client’s substance use, struggles, and barriers to improvement without the perception of judgment or criticism.
The ASI is widely used as a reliable and valid comprehensive assessment instrument has been validated for use in the criminal justice system & designed to obtain a clear estimate of the history of substance use as well as current & recent use (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment).
Certified by the State of California & County of Orange to provide Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Programs for individuals convicted of a DUI. One of the very few non-profits in California offering such services!