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Counseling and Treatment

Combines evidence-based, state of the art counseling services to enable healthier lifestyles.

We offer comprehensive assessments and evidence-based practices that may lead to services such as individual therapy, case management, family support groups, parent education, group therapy, and referral assistance. Our services are offered in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.


Danielle Ortiz, Counseling Coordinator

Email 949.770.0847 x318


Assessment & Evaluation

When our clients are referred to our organization, before beginning any services, they are processed and registered by our qualified staff. During the intake process, they complete intake forms and appropriate assessment tools addressing social and family history. Based on the counselor’s analysis, clients will be placed in appropriate programs. Since no case is the same, each client is placed into a program plan that is built upon their specific needs. Each case is reviewed by our qualified staff for the development of an individualized plan of action for an individual or family.

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Individual, Conjoint, Family, and Group Counseling

Partners4Wellness counselors offer comprehensive and evidence-based practices to help their clients improve their quality of life. We have experience working with diverse clients in a variety of areas which include anger management, substance abuse, stress, anxiety, family issues, depression, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and trauma. Based upon the counselor's analysis, clients are recommended for either individual, conjoint, family, or group counseling. Our counseling services begin with a proven intake and referral infrastructure that ensure our clients have a successful experience.

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Parent Education Program

3G's - How To Guide, Guard, And Govern Your Child is a research-based parent education program, designed from nationally recognized parent education models, for parents of at-promise children and adolescents. Our program provides parents/providers with the practical strategies for enhancing parent-child communication and building stronger family relationships. The 3G’s model is a family-centered intervention that promotes positive family management and addresses child and adolescent adjustment problems. Course components are organized into three weekly, 2-hour sessions led by qualified trainers who focus on teaching practical skills to increase protective factors and decrease risk factors.

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Additional Parenting Classes & Programs

Parents who are looking to further their knowledge or may need additional classes to improve their parenting skills can take specialized classes offered by qualified staff that include:

  1. Resiliency Skills
  2. Self-Management Skills
  3. Addictions, Substance Use, & Abuse
  4. Child Development, Safety, & Wellbeing
  5. Mental Health & Wellbeing
  6. Discipling Skills & Behavior Management Techniques
  7. Parents as Role Models
  8. Recognizing Warning Signs of Delinquent Behavior
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Parent Mentor Program

Our parent mentor program provides families with peer support and information to help parents navigate various situations and experiences. The program connects families and parents with individuals who have been through similar experiences with their children and family such as the juvenile probation system. The goal of the program is to help parents navigate the court system and properly resolve conflict and adverse actions in the home.

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Family Support and Information

Our staff serve as an advocate and mentor for our clients entering the court system. Staff are able to provide clients with information about community-based services and organizations that may assist and support parents and families. Depending on the strengths and needs of the family, different services may be suggested. These services might include community resources for employment, food, health, housing, and crisis support.

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Parent & Child Reunification Program

Our parent and child conjoint and reunification program is built upon a strength and needs-based curriculum. Qualified staff develop individualized programs for families that foster a supportive and positive environment. These programs consist of strategies and activities that are designed to build trust, communication, and respect between parents and their children.

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